
Information on research in daily newspapers


The IOER does not have digital subscriptions or online access to the archives of the Sächsische Zeitung, Dresdner Neueste Nachrichten or other local/regional/nationwide daily and weekly newspapers.

One option for research:

A membership of the Dresden Municipal Libraries (Städtische Bibliotheken Dresden) is recommended. There you can access the Genios press database via the eBibo website. There you can research current articles from regional and national daily and weekly newspapers (even several years back). Access is gained by logging in with the library access data (long membership number, which can be found on the library card + four-digit pin, which usually consists of the date of birth [DDMM]).

Very helpful: Monitoring can also be set up – for different keywords/keyword combinations as well as with different notification intervals.


For the use of the search results, the corresponding terms of use must be taken into account.